Martyrs' Shrine > Give Now

Give Now

Martyrs' Shrine relies on the support and generosity of our pilgrims and benefactors. By donating today, you are supporting us in our mission and helping to preserve our sacred site for generations to come. Please help the Martyrs' Shrine endure as a treasured national site of prayer, healing, and peace, where people of all faiths can gather in prayer. Your gift today is tax-deductible and will support our ministry, programmes, and all the work of restoration and renewal that takes place here.

The Shrine is entrusted to all Canadians and welcomes people without exception. Its service is made possible entirely through private support. We do not receive direct funding for our operations from government. Thank you again for making a gift today.

Martyrs' Shrine is a subsidiary of the Jesuits of Canada. The Society of Jesus (Jesuits) is a religious order within the Roman Catholic Church. Martyrs' Shrine is a registered charity #107673733 RR0001 and uses for secure online donations. Check out our FAQ page for information on charitable tax receipts.

Make a Secure Online Gift Today

2024 Fall Gala

As Martyrs' Shrine's 100th anniversary approaches, we are announcing the launch of a multi-million dollar campaign for the revitalization and renovation of the Shrine church and property.

We Rise Again

This thirty-minute fundraising special will take you on a journey around our sacred site and what makes it so special from an ecological and spiritual point of view. It will show you what we have been doing to help protect and preserve this land, the wildlife that depends on it and how our outdoor spaces create a landscape for intimate encounters with God.

MSA Membership

Members of the Martrys' Shrine Associaton (MSA) are the backbone of the Shrine's nationwide network of friends and supporters. If you share our vision, join today! Memberships start at $40.

Legacy Gifts

Leaving just a small percentage of your estate as a gift to Martyrs' Shrine can make all the difference. Contact us today to discuss your options.

Protect the Shrine for generations to come

Martyrs' Shrine is one of the most beautiful, historic and beloved spaces in Canada, representing nearly 400 years of faith, community and education. Your inheritance ensures that our extraordinary programming and educational spaces remain a site of inspiration, solace and delight for generations to come.

Planned Giving and Endowments

Making a planned gift is a wonderful way to show your support and appreciation for Martyrs' Shrine and its mission while accommodating your own personal, financial, estate-planning, and philanthropic goals. With smart planning, you may actually increase the size of your estate and/or reduce the tax burden on your heirs. Just as important, you will know that you have made a meaningful contribution to the Shrine and community.

"Each of us has a fire in our hearts for something. It's our goal in life to find it and keep it lit." - Mary Lou Retton