Feast Day of St. Mark (F)

The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) has decreed that this is a Holy Feast Day to be observed in Canada.

St. Peter Chanel (OM)

Saint Peter Chanel, born in 1803 in France, was a missionary and a member of the Society of Mary (Marists). He dedicated his life to evangelizing the South Pacific islands, particularly the island of Futuna in modern-day Fiji. Despite facing strong resistance, he preached the Gospel and worked to build a Christian community. St. Peter […]

St. Louis Grignion de Montfort (OM)

Saint Louis Grignion de Montfort (1673–1716) was a French priest and missionary renowned for his deep devotion to the Virgin Mary and his commitment to spreading the Gospel. He founded the Montfortian order and authored influential spiritual writings, including True Devotion to Mary, which emphasizes the importance of total consecration to Mary as a path […]

St. Catherine of Siena (M)

Saint Catherine of Siena (1347–1380) was a Dominican tertiary, mystic, and influential theologian. Born in Siena, Italy, she became known for her deep spiritual insight, extraordinary prayer life, and commitment to serving the poor and sick. Catherine was a strong advocate for the reform of the Church, encouraging the Pope to return to Rome from […]

* Fourth Sunday of Easter

The 4th Sunday of Easter, often referred to as "Good Shepherd Sunday," focuses on the image of Jesus as the Good Shepherd, a symbol of His care, protection, and guidance for His followers. The Gospel reading typically features Jesus describing Himself as the Shepherd who knows His sheep and gives His life for them (John […]

St. Marie de L’Incarnation (M)

Saint Marie de l'Incarnation (1599–1672) was a French-born missionary and nun who played a pivotal role in the spread of Christianity in New France (modern-day Canada). She entered the Ursuline Order and later traveled to Quebec in 1639, where she helped establish the first Ursuline convent in North America. Known for her deep spirituality and […]

St. Joseph the Worker (OM)

St. Joseph the Worker, celebrated on May 1, honors the patronage of St. Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus and the husband of the Virgin Mary. This feast day was instituted by Pope Pius XII in 1955 to emphasize the dignity of human labor and to offer a Christian perspective on work. It highlights Joseph's […]

St. Pius V (OM)

Saint Pius V (1504–1572) was pope from 1566 until his death, known for his strong leadership and efforts to reform the Catholic Church following the Council of Trent. A Dominican friar, he was committed to combating corruption and restoring discipline within the clergy. He implemented the reforms of the Council of Trent, including standardizing the […]

International Workers’ Day

International Workers' Day, celebrated on May 1, is a global observance that honours the contributions and rights of workers. While not directly rooted in Catholic tradition, it has relevance to the Church's teachings on the dignity of labour, justice, and the rights of workers. The Catholic Church emphasizes the sanctity of work and the importance […]