Reflection of Your Purpose

In our generation today, an average life span of a person is 75 – 80 years old. Imagine that you are now 35 years old, how do you plan to spend the remaining 45 years with 540 months, 16, 425 days and 394, 200 hours of you life? Do you plan to focus on your career rather than spending it with your family? Do you want to create your own brand or you just want to stay unknown. Do you think you are the “Hustle Now, Enjoy Later” type of person, or the “You Only Live Once”? People may live their life differently, but at the end of the day, we all know that the life we have today and we will have tomorrow, is just temporary. That we have our own mission and purpose in life and it’s up to us how to live and deal with it.

In chapter 6 of the book “The Purpose Driven Life” by Rick Warren tells us, “Life is a temporary assignment” and as the Bible says, “For we were born but yesterday…. Our days on earth are as transient as a shadow.” The Bible is full of metaphor that emphasizes this idea without any complexity. The nature of life is nothing but temporary and in other words, life is just a brief moment. In just a snap, you have everything and sometimes in just a second you have nothing. The Kingdom is our home with everlasting life and compared to eternal life, life on earth is nothing but a short journey.

Life teaches us everything, like how travelling to different countries will teach us their language, culture and beliefs. Getting out of your comfort zone will also teach you to discover what you want and who you really are. Life teaches us how to value every single second of life so we can focus ourselves to something more important. We can spend more time with our loved ones, be more kind to others by lending a hand or spreading love, supporting each other and caring for our temporary home and the most important one, we must learn how to forgive. Ask yourselves, why are we putting so much effort, time, and energy on what wasn’t going to last?

Living life by giving more importance on things that are temporary is not a preparation to the next chapter in life. God wants us to live life to give importance on something we could carry on. It is one of the purposes that God gave us when we were born, the purpose of life.

Aleli Dimaculangan
Front Office Clerk

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